Articles List
4 records found on category [Electronic War]
How missiles work by Sakhal
Frequently, the most refined procedures of military technology have been developed for the effective operation of missiles. The investigation of increasingly effective systems for control, launching, propulsion and guidance often gave as result import...
[ Date: 2015-05-12 | Length: 22 Kb | Update: Never ]
Frequently, the most refined procedures of military technology have been developed for the effective operation of missiles. The investigation of increasingly effective systems for control, launching, propulsion and guidance often gave as result import...
[ Date: 2015-05-12 | Length: 22 Kb | Update: Never ]
Electronic air war during the Vietnam War by Sakhal
During the Vietnam War electronic war constituted a long and acerbated conflict in which the warlike elements of both sides demanded from scientists and technicians a constant renovation of measures and countermeasures in which each progress was to be cou...
[ Date: 2015-01-20 | Length: 8 Kb | Update: Never ]
During the Vietnam War electronic war constituted a long and acerbated conflict in which the warlike elements of both sides demanded from scientists and technicians a constant renovation of measures and countermeasures in which each progress was to be cou...
[ Date: 2015-01-20 | Length: 8 Kb | Update: Never ]
Watching the Communists in Vietnam by Sakhal
The darkness of the night was one of the best tactical aids for the North Vietnam Army and the Viet Cong. There was even a popular expression: "Night belongs to Charlie." Charlie was precisely the nickname that was given to the enemy by the Americans. In...
[ Date: 2014-12-15 | Length: 7 Kb | Update: Never ]
The darkness of the night was one of the best tactical aids for the North Vietnam Army and the Viet Cong. There was even a popular expression: "Night belongs to Charlie." Charlie was precisely the nickname that was given to the enemy by the Americans. In...
[ Date: 2014-12-15 | Length: 7 Kb | Update: Never ]
Night fight of the Luftwaffe by Sakhal
In the beginning of World War Two the essential of the Luftwaffe's fighter dotation was composed of a restricted number of monomotors, nearly all of the type Messerschmitt Me Bf 109. These limited their actions to deter the sparse aircraft of the RAF ...
[ Date: 2014-10-11 | Length: 23 Kb | Update: 2015-07-01 ]
In the beginning of World War Two the essential of the Luftwaffe's fighter dotation was composed of a restricted number of monomotors, nearly all of the type Messerschmitt Me Bf 109. These limited their actions to deter the sparse aircraft of the RAF ...
[ Date: 2014-10-11 | Length: 23 Kb | Update: 2015-07-01 ]