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Privacy Policy

Through this statement (Privacy Policy), Sakhalia Net Project makes the user aware of the conditions of utilization of this website (Military History by Sakhalia Net Project). The utilization of any portion of the website implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every provision included on this legal notice, so if the user does not agree with any of the conditions set forth herein, it should not use or access this website. Sakhalia Net Project reserves the right to modify this statement at any time. Any further utilization of any portion of this website following public notification of any modification shall constitute tacit acceptance of said changes.

About Personal Data Protection

To use certain services or access certain content, the user could be asked to provide certain personal data, which would be used only for the purpose of running the functionalities found on the website. Not all of the information requested has to be mandatory, as shall be made noticeable when appropriate. As a general principle, this website will not share nor disclose the user's information except when authorized by that one, or in the case of being requested by a competent authority after fulfilling the corresponding legal proceedings, or when necessary to protect the integrity of the website or its users.

The PHP Application offers basic protection against malicious activity through a number of validation systems. Passwords are stored encrypted so they are not knowable by the administrator of the database. The database stores all the data submitted by the users for the sole purpose of the operation of the website. Unlike passwords, inbox messages are not encrypted and can be read by the administrator. No data stored in the database is ever shared with third parties. Currently, the PHP application does not send cookies to the client machines for any reason.

The user should be aware that if it voluntarily discloses personal information in a public online area, that information may be collected and used by others. Sakhalia Net Project does not control the actions of its visitors and users.

About Cookies

Some functionalities of this website require the utilization of "cookies", small data files which are sent to the client machines. The information managed through cookies does not provide references which could allow to deduce personal data from the user. This one can configure its browser to notify or reject the installation of any cookies sent to its machine, without detriment to the ability of accessing the website's content. However, Sakhalia Net Project shall be not responsible if the deactivation impedes the smooth operation of the website for the user.

There are two sources of cookies in this website:

The advertising platform (Google Adsense), which uses cookies to study the preferences of customers, their demographics, traffic patterns and other information to better understand who the audience is and what it demands. Tracking users' preferences helps to serve the most relevant ads.

The tracking platform (Google Analytics), which digs information about how many people access the website, including aspects such as geographical locations, operating systems and browsers, traffic sources, keywords, pagewiews and estimated time spent on the website. No personal data is collected.

To refuse the cookies sent by the Google Adsense advertising platform, which create a profile of the user's browsing, this one may visit this link and select the desired disabling options. Besides, the user may consult the Google Privacy Policy by following this link.

Terms of Use

Any information provided by the user, when completing the necessary forms for accessing the services provided in the website, should be truthful. In any case the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate information and the damage that it could cause to this website, its users and other third parties. The user agrees to use this website responsibly and to treat other users with respect.

Policy on Content Usage

The texts provided by Sakhalia Net Project to any website operated by this mark are intellectual property of Sakhalia Net Content Network, and under no circumstance should they be published (unchanged) in other websites or media without express permission from the author. The texts that are published in third party sources should include proper credit to Sakhalia Net Project/Content Network.

The illustrations (which are not photographs) provided by this website are intended only for personal, non-commercial use. Sakhalia Net Project is not responsible of any consequences derived from the utilization of these images in any commercial or lucrative project, without previous permission from the possible copyright holders (or Sakhalia Net Project itself). Websites profiting from an advertising program are included in this definition. Whoever wants to use these images, even for non-commercial purposes, shall give credit, through a functional link, to the website or website's section where these images are displayed, or alternatively to Sakhalia Net Project/Content Network/Graphics Division.

Please note that, in general, Sakhalia Net Project discourages its users from republishing its material in other websites. This includes the practice of "hotlinking", which drains bandwith from the host server. The user should understand that the misuse of the information provided (both graphics and texts), when resulting in a direct prejudice against the website itself (as for instance outranking it in the search engines because of a great amount of duplicated content), shall be likely detected and proper actions could be taken against the offenders.


For the user who wants to consult something is provided the following e-mail address: