Sakhalia Net Project
Sakhalia Net Project is a brand which comprises a series of custom-programmed websites built by Creative Technician (programmer, designer, visual artist, redactor) Sakhal. These websites use for their operation a mixture of either modern or old technical paradigms and display both static or dynamic contents. This low-cost but highly demanding network is also administered by Sakhal. The network comprises several thematic websites reporting about different topics.
The purpose of the Sakhalia Net Content Network has been for long years to profit from programming skills which find no demand in the local job market. These skills grew during the first decade of the century as Sakhal managed to create complex graphical applications by using a programming language which he started to use in the year 2000 as a hobby: Visual Basic 6. So even if Sakhalia Net Project revolves around web content its roots reside in desktop projects.
Historical background - Visual Basic 6
In 2005 Sakhal managed to build his first tile-based graphical system, which used square tiles and featured simple animations. Moved by this success, in 2007 he started to build a huge project and a true challenge: the two-dimensional combat game Dagovar - Desert Vixens. For this project he built an isometric graphical system and a number of editors to build escenarios, characters and campaigns. Later refinements included variations of the original graphical system and a random terrain generator. The different versions of Dagovar were in production until 2010.
Later a number of other VB 6 products were produced, but not released to this day. They were simpler than Dagovar, but more solidly made. They featured the newer XaYeZi system which used a simulation of a three-dimensional cube. In addition were programmed square-tiled game boards and more modern user interfaces which used light effects. In one of the experiments XaYeZi was given a hundred thousand micro-tiles and then shaped as a sphere which had about 40000 of those tiles. This result was expanded with some effects and used for the game XaYeZi Puzzle Planet in 2012.
Parallely, the XaYeZi system was being used for creating 3D-like Match 3 and Mahjong games. In a newer project called Saharan Puzzle, the XaYeZi system was used to create a multi-layered graphical system on which isometric cubic tiles were used to create custom forms of architecture. The last project, produced in 2013, was Fantasy Puzzle, which featured no innovations but made good use of early techniques. Another project worthy of mention was the never finished Lands of Negalia; however the graphical editor was finished and it included an innovation over preceding designs: tile blending. It also included a simple scripting editor, featured which was later incorporated to Fantasy Puzzle.
Historical background - Web content
While busy with VB 6, Sakhal left web development in the background, and the related technologies remained unattended for long years. Warship Pictures, which was the first website published, in the late 2008, was a small collection of HTML documents whose layout was based on tables. When the Sakhalia Net mark started to be used in 2015, this way of work still remained in use. Ship Pictures, started in 2012, was firstly an improved version of Warship Pictures and finally its replacement.
Military History was started in the early 2014 and in that time it was the most sophisticated website deployed by Sakhal. It was the first project in which table-based layouts were abandoned as well as the first one in which dynamic content was served. Ship Pictures, along with a contemporary website called WW2 Color Photos, would be later integrated into the Military History website to ease server management.
As 2017 passes by, this compound of websites is the flagship of the Sakhalia Net Content Network. Across hundreds of pages are featured vintage, rare and high-quality illustrations and other artwork, as well as photographs. Along the years these websites have received a number of improvements and of course new content. During March 2017 this whole network is being prepared for full compatibility with mobile devices.
Finally, not everything revolves around Military or Naval History. Parallely, a transitory dedication to music composing gave as consequence the websites Free VST and Sakhal Music Studio. The interest raised by programming left as result websites like Dagovar: A Visual Basic Game and More Than Dreams (started in 2014 and currently including Dagovar within it). Drawing and painting was also treated in another website which is currently discontinued. Also discontinued remains the project Sahara Territory, started in 2011, albeit this discontinuity is not definitive for much material is still in storage. A newer addition (in 2015) was History of the Railway, project which however not being actively updated, is still not discontinued.
The Web 2.0
Military History was the first website on which Sakhal included features of that called the "Web 2.0". But not everything is about adding personal, authored content to a website. As from the early 2014 programming techniques started to populate the websites Military History and Ship Pictures, it was just a matter of time that by evolving these early applications it were made something like VorKuta, a mobile social website featuring personal profile with posting function, personal messenger and public chat.
Developed during the winter of 2016-2017, the classified ads website Baykal has been source of much learning, putting in evidence how rudimentary VorKuta is in comparison. Baykal is the first website developed by Sakhal which includes multi-device compatibility. Some of the lessons acquired were then put into use in the Military History website; in fact, both websites share a similar methodology for device compatibility.
Unlike a static content website such as Military History, a pure 2.0 website like Baykal is very difficult to promote to the general public. But Baykal has been greatly useful because of the technical advance that it has granted to the Sakhalia Net Project. Because of this a new content website featuring 2.0 technology is supposed to come in a near future; for now, its designation is "Project Altaya".
Web 2.0 websites manufactured by Sakhalia Net may feature things like: a profile for each user, a personal forum, a private inbox, a public chat, systems for bookmarking, blocking or reporting content, an administration panel for moderation tasks, a CAPTCHA system, checking of user agents, IP addresses and cookies, strict data validation and protection against SQL injection. The technologies applied are a large core of PHP operating with a MySQLi database, with some auxiliary Javascript functionalities to improve usability.
Proprietary technology
Along the years, the heritage of Sakhalia Net has provided a range of custom software solutions and knowledge which is available for selling to the general public. What does the Project has inside its locker? Things like:
- A diversity of tile-based graphical systems. (VB 6)
- A random terrain generator. (VB 6)
- A line of sight algorithm for 2D tactical games. (VB 6)
- A 2D game board which can change its shape. (VB 6)
- A graphical map with interactive spots. (PHP 5)
- Algorithms which allow to display text making use of custom graphical fonts. (VB 6 and PHP 5)
- A system for computing and displaying results as bars, useful for creating statistics. (PHP 5)
- A system to rate items from 1 to 5. (PHP 5)
- An express generator which can generate hundreds of web pages per minute from a template and a definition
file. (PHP 5)
- Personal inbox and public chat systems. (PHP 5)
- Skeleton applications to start a project with much less effort. (PHP 5)
- A CAPTCHA system and a simple graphical text system for protecting e-mail addresses and phone numbers from
spambots. (PHP 5)
- Transliterators fitted with a small virtual keyboard (for Greek and Russian characters). (PHP 5 and
You can buy any piece of source code which matches your needs through secure PayPal payment. Send a message to
to know more about these or other products by Sakhalia Net.