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RGB to Hexadecimal

RGB to Hexadecimal color conversion.


Hexadecimal value: #

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The RGB color model is one in which lights of the three primary colors Red, Green and Blue are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors (about 16.7 millions). The main purpose of the RGB color model is the sensing and representation of images in electronic systems, albeit it has been used in conventional photography as well. Prior to the electronic age the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of colors. The RGB color model is dependent on the characteristics of the many devices used, which detect or reproduce a given RGB value differently.

Web colors, used in the displaying of web pages, are commonly expressed through triplets in hexadecimal format (apart from some particular colors which can alternatively be referred by their English names). These hexadecimal color values can be generated by specific color tools or those integrated in larger pieces of development software. In web programming, hexadecimal color codes are expressed with a leading number sign (#).